Gateway One ZX4800-03 20-Inch Touch Screen All-in-One Desktop PC

Bought the model that ends in ZX4800-02 - almost identical price with 750 gig of RAM and 4 gigs of RAM.

I like its clean profile (HP looks too busy to me as far as its looks go). We spend a lot of time in our kitchen around our island so I put ths PC in the kitchen as an "Appliance" because:

(1) As a jukebox with windows media center. Shows all my albums with album art and cool User Experience. I can navigate with touch and play/queue with another touch. Friends love it when I throw a party.
(2) I have connected this PC to cable jack with a TV tuner stick using its USB port in back. Again with Windows media center, I can watch TV programs browse program guides, record programs with its touch screen interface or remote control. I now have additional TV and DVR in kitchen.
(3) Since it has built in microphone and speakers, I also use it like a phone (using Skype). One touch and I am talking to a friend over a video chat.
(4) It plays all our pictures and videos slide shows when not in use.
(5) Of course it is a full blown Windows 7 pc as well that kids use when googling or playing games.

Comes with wireless keyboard and mouse. So the whole layout it clutter free. All for 640 dollars. I think at this point in technology evolution I cannot expect any more for the price.

The only complain I have so far is that the space bar on the keyboard has to be typed with a bit more force to register. minor issue. 

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